Are you struggling with anxiety or depression? Are you experiencing grief and the dizzying effect of loss? Are you trying to heal from the wounds of trauma? Are you stuck in addiction and looking for a way out? Are you looking for meaning or purpose in your life?
Our world moves so fast our instinct often kicks in to warn us we are unsafe. The result is increased arousal leading to fight, flight, or freeze responses. Anxiety and depression often travel together. Do you ever feel yourself vibrating on hyper-alert and then crashing? Do you find you cannot find the will to interact with the world? Working with a therapist can help you design a healing strategy that is right for you.
Narrative therapy helps people tell their stories. Considering life from both perspectives – conscious and unconsciousness – is when transformational healing can happen. There are many strategies that can help you quiet your conscious mind to tap into the unconscious wisdom that lives in the body. Often, the answers lie deep within. Therapy can be a way of accessing that inner knowledge, which then becomes a compass for how to move forward.
Counselling Sessions
Whether it is grief that accompanies death, divorce, change in career or moving; loss of trust, loss of faith, or loss of safety as a result of trauma, working with a therapist can help you take the next step in healing. Healing is achieved by taking one step at a time and travelling with someone who knows the way.
Our minds are in a state of constant busyness; however, learning to quiet the mind and relax the body means answers for how to heal can be heard. Trauma is a wound that can cause addiction, weight and/or sleep issues as the body tries to cope. Working together can help you uncover the issues that may be impeding your success. Recovery means taking meaningful steps in the direction of intention and purpose you’ve set for your life.
Life is a journey. Let’s walk together for a little while.