Integrating Our Stories: From Pain to Healing
Michelle Malloy Michelle Malloy

Integrating Our Stories: From Pain to Healing

When I tell people that my therapy practice centers around trauma and grief, there is inevitably a story that longs to be shared. I want to hear people’s stories—they’re a core part of the person they’ve become.

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SMALL is a Trauma Response
Michelle Malloy Michelle Malloy

SMALL is a Trauma Response

Small means “I keep to myself, especially when I feel uncomfortable.” However, connection and support are what really help in these scenarios. Knowing your reaction to stressful circumstances is only the first step. Here is how to navigate asking for help if being small is one of your trauma responses.

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Hitting the ‘Resolutions’ Wall
Michelle Malloy Michelle Malloy

Hitting the ‘Resolutions’ Wall

Knowing the stages of change may help you keep your new years resolutions, if you can take the proper steps to create long-lasting changes in your lifestyle.

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Self-care: Is it worth it?
Michelle Malloy Michelle Malloy

Self-care: Is it worth it?

Until we shift our idea of ‘fitting self-care in’ to making it a foundational part of our lives, it may always be the last thing we think about and the first thing to go when we’re feeling overwhelmed.

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Thriving in Chaos – The Book!
Books Michelle Malloy Books Michelle Malloy

Thriving in Chaos – The Book!

It is not easy to put yourself in the center of your daily activities. There is always so much to do. My book is an attempt to look at life from various perspectives so that we continue to grow and thrive in the chaos of day-to-day life.

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Angry Fat Girl
Thoughts Michelle Malloy Thoughts Michelle Malloy

Angry Fat Girl

Her name was Margaret. She came to me in a dream. She was tall, and fat, and very angry. I was taking her to therapy.

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Morning coffee
Michelle Malloy Michelle Malloy

Morning coffee

As a new entrepreneur, I was looking for daily routines that would keep me focused. Morning coffee became part of beginning the day with something stronger than tea, which helps set the tone.

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I Hope You Dance!
Thoughts Michelle Malloy Thoughts Michelle Malloy

I Hope You Dance!

Do you have unhealthy relationships with some of your emotions? It seems that as a society we tend to like some emotions more than others. Like family. We may appreciate them all, but also screen our calls (you know who you are).

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Broken Open
Reading Michelle Malloy Reading Michelle Malloy

Broken Open

Lesser writes a great deal about her own life in this book – her children, marriages, friends. Reading it struck me with the notion that we all write our stories in these vignettes.

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